Recent studies have shown that, irrespective of the complexity and strength of an existing preventive maintenance system, some failures just can’t be prevented.

Unlike preventive maintenance, which is carried out according to a pre-set schedule, Predictive Maintenance (also known as Condition Based Maintenance) defines the need for maintenance tasks based on the actual condition of the machine.

As such, a growing trend is the use of predictive maintenance tools to apply condition-based maintenance when possible.

Predictive maintenance helps to eliminate catastrophic equipment failures, extends the operational life of machine components and reduces the costs of parts and labor.

Proven benefits

Predictive Maintenance has been widely used since the 1990’s in high-end facilities – such as industrial factories, electric companies, and aviation – and has been proven to be cost effective and energy efficient. It not only helps eliminate catastrophic equipment failures, it also extends the operational life of machine components and reduces the costs of parts and labor.

Arrelic Expertise

Arrelic specialize in a wide range of Predictive Maintenance services such as Vibration Analysis, IR Thermography, Wear Debris Analysis, and Motor Current Analysis. Our diverse experience backgrounds in Condition Monitoring & Predictive Maintenance along with Reliability Consulting will help your organization to reduce the plant maintenance costs, operation support costs and downtime process costs at the same time it will drastically reduce the Machine Downtime.

We offer PdM /CM services under the supervision of highly qualified experienced and Level -2 certified professionals along with more advance instruments so that we can deliver best in class quality standards norms with cost effective price to ensure both quality and customers’ satisfaction.



Featured Insights

Beyond the Basics: Advanced NDT Techniques for Cutting-Edge Predictive Maintenance

This article explores cutting-edge NDT techniques like infrared thermography and acoustic emission testing, along with automation and data analysis for more efficient and insightful predictive maintenance.


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